Florida Premium Tomatoes
 Grown throughout Florida's rich farmland, these "pride of the south" vegetables are perfect in size, texture and taste.  With almost every southern county in the state cultivating tomatoes, Florida produces virtually all of the fresh-market, field-grown tomatoes in the U.S., from October through June each year, and accounts for almost 50% of all fresh tomatoes produced domestically. 
With Botsford & Goodfellow’s rigirous loading schedule we facilitate timely deliveries, ensuring minimal shrink.  We intently monitor the temperature, and color of your shipment, to give you the reqested appearance of your product upon arrival. Please view the color chart here for color guidelines.  


XL - 5x6
LG - 6x6
MD - 6x7
25# Lug / 80 per pallet
20 pallets per load

Loading: Homestead, FL
Contact: David LeFrancios (Portland) or Ron Escene (Seattle/Spokane)